Seth Kamabu


Seth (he/him) is a Black first-generation immigrant settler living on Treaty 1 territory. His family immigrated from Nairobi, Kenya in the late 90s and he proudly maintains connections with his culture and community through the Kenyan Association of Manitoba. Seth developed a strong passion in advocacy and social justice for 2STLGBQIA+ communities through his social and medical gender transition.

 Seth earned his Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) in 2018 and his Bachelor of Social Work in 2023, both from the University of Manitoba. He is a health educator for a program called Teen Talk, which is part of the Sexuality Education Resource Centre (SERC). He is also a peer supporter in the Trans Health program at Klinic Community Health Centre. Through his roles, Seth hopes to inspire queer youth of color to see the strength and resiliency in their identities and the power of connecting with community in the fight against systems of oppression.